Sidescan®Predict | Ultrasonic Obstacle Detection
Avoid colissions between vehicles, objects and vulnerable road users
Avoid colissions between vehicles, objects and vulnerable road users
HGVs pose a disproportionate risk to both pedestrians and cyclists with collisions involving a large vehicle far more likely to prove fatal than those involving a car. Many collisions between cyclists and HGVs occur because the driver has limited direct vision (the ability to see what is outside their cab without using indirect means of mirrors or cameras).
Detection systems have helped make both drivers and vulnerable road users aware of the proximity of one another, however, current systems only alert the driver to the presence of an object, even if there is no danger of a collision. This can result in false alarms, leading the driver to become habituated to the warning and potentially rendering the detection system ineffective.
Around 4,000 people die every year in HGV collisions in Europe, 1,000 of which are cyclists and pedestrians
Brigade’s Sidescan®Predict is the next generation of side-detection sensor system, designed for collision avoidance between road vehicles, objects and vulnerable road users.
Utilising ultrasonic technology, this intelligent system predicts if a collision is likely to occur. By analysing data such as speed, direction and acceleration of both the vehicle and detected object, and differentiating between static and moving objects, the Sidescan®Predict algorithm assesses the risk and calculates the likelihood of an impact.
Sidescan®Predict instantly alerts the driver to potential dangers via a multi-stage in-cab visual and audible warning system, according to the urgency of the situation – therefore minimising the number of audible alerts and reducing false alarms.
Brigade’s Sidescan®Predict is the next generation of side-detection sensor system, designed for collision avoidance between road vehicles, objects and vulnerable road users.
Utilising ultrasonic technology, this intelligent system predicts if a collision is likely to occur. By analysing data such as speed, direction and acceleration of both the vehicle and detected object, and differentiating between static and moving objects, the Sidescan®Predict algorithm assesses the risk and calculates the likelihood of an impact.
Sidescan®Predict instantly alerts the driver to potential dangers via a multi-stage in-cab visual and audible warning system, according to the urgency of the situation – therefore minimising the number of audible alerts and reducing false alarms.
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About offering for the field of Electric Vehicles
Article | Electrification – the Future of Commercial Vehicles
Object Detection | Differentiates between stationary & moving objects
Always Active | System in constant operation below 20mph/32kph, with or without the indicators activated
Calculates Risk | Detection data feeds an algorithm to calculate the risk of a collision
Audible Driver Warnings | 5-stage visual and audible driver warnings, based on severity of collision prediction
No False Alarms | Reduced false alarms and driver habituation
Accurate Collision Prediction
Legislations Approved | Conforms to side blind-spot legislations
Retrofit | Suitable for most rigid body vehicles
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